Massage Therapy Q & A

What are the benefits of massage therapy?

Massage therapy promotes healing by increasing circulation and relieving inflammation and chronic tension that can restrict blood flow and interrupt neural signaling. It also reduces stress, enhances mood and improves immune system function for better overall health and wellness. By releasing special “feel good” chemicals called endorphins, massage therapy can also help promote better and more restorative sleep. Plus, it keeps joints limber, providing a perfect companion therapy for chiropractic adjustments.

What should I expect during my appointment?

Before your massage beings, you’ll have a chance to discuss your symptoms as well as your expectations with your therapist. After undressing, you’ll be provided with a drape so you don’t feel self-conscious during your treatment. Depending on the technique being used and your own needs and medical issues, pressure can range from mild to strong; be sure to tell your therapist if you experience discomfort so the pressure can be modified to your preferences.

What kinds of massage therapy does the practice offer?

Our practice offers an array of massage techniques based on your needs, and each approach can be customized based on patient preference. Massage methods include:

  • Medical/THerapeutic massage: This is the highest level of massage taught to masseuses. It specifically targets dysfunctional areas wheather it is muscle, ligament, fascia or a combination of above.
  • Deep tissue: As the name implies, deep tissue massage uses special techniques designed to reach the deeper layers of tissue to release trigger points and adhesions that can cause stiffness, pain and restricted range of motion.
  • Lymph massage: Highly specific pumping motions to help and activate the lymphatic system. This 90 minute massage helps the lymphatic system to increase its flow and clear toxins more efficiently.
  • Swedish: This type of massage is aimed more at general relaxation and promotion of healthy circulation, as well as relief of some types of pain, stiffness, and achiness.
  • Foot massage: General massage moves on the feet for relaxation and increased circulation(Most people LOVE this).
  • Reflexology: A special technique that uses pressure points on the hands and feet to relieve pain and other symptoms throughout the body.
  • Pregnancy massage: Techniques specifically developed and adapted to expecting mothers to promote the optimal well being for both mother and baby.
  • Baby massage: Special massage moves to stimulate the babys proprioceptive system. Many of the moves will also be taught to the mother so she can continue with it at home to strengthen the bond between her and her baby (Your baby will thank you when he/she learns to speak).