Paradigm shift

We often meet patients when they are in pain. At this time they are determined to change their lifestyles and do things differently. This would require them to change paradigms, as coming for treatments when you are in pain “makes sense” to you, but if it doesn’t make sense to come and get adjusted when you are not in pain then your paradigm is one of pain management and not prevention.

It takes time to make changes. We are somewhat programmed from childhood to think in certain ways. So were our parents. There is nothing wrong with this, we need not to blame our parents, just remember that we always have the option to change and think differently. This would be called a paradigm shift. If we truly change our paradigm regarding healthcare from symptom care to prevention and lifestyle care, it will start making sense that we do not only get checked and adjusted when in pain, but instead on a regular basis. Just like brushing your teeth. Your frequency of adjustments will depend on how your lifestyle is, how much negative stress your body and nervous system is under. The more stress, the more frequent adjustments could be needed.


The Adjustment


The adjustment could be viewed upon as pressing the reset button on a computer. It is usually not time consuming, but this may differ depending on techniques utilized. When you get adjusted, your nervous system get an ‘interrupt’ message.  Recurring stress is usually caused by us doing the exact same thing day in and day out. This coupled with time limits, important decision makings, financial burdens, “kids being kids”, marital issues or really anything else that places the nervous system in a sympathetic dominance will cause it to go on repeat. Like an old vinyl that got stuck(for youngsters – these were before ipods and CD’s look up on wikipedia) And that is not how our bodies were meant to function. The adjustment interrupts this repeat mode and gives it a chance to reboot itself. When we think of it this way it may make sense to us that adjustments(just like brushing teeth), needs to be repeated. Like everything in life, nothing is the same for everyone. Some people get away with a lot less ‘interrupt’ then others. It all comes down to how our nervous system is able to handle the stress it is being placed under.